
Jones Dancesport Social is a program to enrich the social dancers experience through exclusive workshops, parties, medal testing, Jack & Jill contests, and more. This membership program is $25 per year and open to the public.

Membership benefits include:

  • Discount on Jones Dancesport social parties (1st & 3rd Friday of every month)

  • Discounted/free bi-annual workshops

  • Discount on unlimited group class package

  • Access to DVIDA medal testing

  • Free medal test preparation leading up to the test

To learn more, see below and contact us today. 

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Jack & Jill 

Jack & Jill is a friendly competition where couples are randomly matched as leaders and followers. Hosted at JDB parties, we have a six month series with participants acquiring points along the way to find who will win the mirror ball trophy!

Medal Testing

We teach all levels (bronze, silver, gold) through the DVIDA syllabus. Enjoy 8 weeks of learning a dance and receive your medal certification after completion. Some say knowledge is power but we say it leads to better dancing!